Summer loving

There is an Internet phenomenon (is it tumbler? tweets? memes?) listing pictures of women laughing at salads. Apparently it is also a search term for advertisers. Now you will see it everywhere. (There is probably a subset of “woman chuckling at yogurt”) I am in vegetable heaven since our CSA (through Brown Sugar Produce) started…

Fat is our friend?!​​

It’s true. Not only does fat taste delicious, but the right fats are crucial for many important functions in the body (not only is fat a back up energy source, and critical for absorbing certain nutrients, but it also helps regulate your body temperature!) Five centuries ago, to “live off the fat of the land”…

Local Super Food?! Yes!

When I tell people that I teach traditional food workshops, I always lead with sourdough and sauerkraut. Maybe I’ll tell them about kefir and kombucha. Why? Because telling people that we have a super food on the Prairies – that we don’t need exotic ingredients trucked, floated, and flown from the other side of the…

Soup-er times!

See what I did there? Oh, puns. Both the most clever and the lowest form of humour.  Winter is a time for soup. And the best way to start soup is with your own bone broth. Is it hard? Not if you can operate a stove and a tap. Seriously! Of all the things that…

Why I love sourdough 

For the most part, I love sourdough. It’s a great way to add tastiness to baked goods, the fermentation that takes place breaks down the long chain proteins (increasing digestibility) and it is so versatile. People often ask me how much bread I must eat – they are surprised when I tell them that I…


I like words. Words are tools – which can be used to build or to destroy. This time of year, exhausted from Christmas, we are fed this narrative that we must change, that we are not enough, that next year – we must do better, be better. I’ve refused to resolve for years – mostly…

Candy that is GOOD!!! for you????

One of my favourite things about traditional foods is wrestling a food that has been declared – evil! bad for you! not on the food guide! – back and enjoying the simple deliciousness of real food! Examples? Eggs! Beef! Fat! (Those are posts for another day!) Today we talk gummy candy! The chewy awesome-ness that…

Why isn’t it always pie time?

I love pie! But for a long time, I avoided pie because of how tricky pastry was to make and how crappy store bought pie was. Have you ever read the ingredient list? Can you pronounce half of that stuff? I like a mix of half butter/half lard for my pastry – nice and golden,…

Beans Beans Beans!

Is there anything more delicious than a warm bowl of spicy lentil soup on a cold day? Or maybe a cheese topped chili, filled with black beans and hamburger, with cheese-y biscuits? Can you tell it is -27 C as I write this? And all I want is coziness and comfort food. And that is…

Cuddles and Soup!

But it seems to me the best way to stay healthy is to be reasonable.